Partnerships with the socio-economic environment are an essential element for improving the quality of education and research and for promoting the image of the faculty.
In 2017, the Advisory Council of the Faculty of Energy Engineering was set up in accordance with art. 214 (7) of the Education Law, consisting of representatives of the socio-economic environment in the energy field.
The Advisory Council of the Faculty of Energy Engineering is an external, independent and proactive advisory body designed to guide, promote, advise and support efforts to fulfill the mission and strategy of the faculty.
The Faculty of Energy Engineering has close partnerships with important companies in the energy field, which consist of:
Development of educational programs in consultation with the socio-economic environment
Updating in the National Register of Qualifications in Higher Education, RNCIS, the data regarding the bachelor's and master's degree programs.
Analysis of the opportunity to establish new specializations within the bachelor's and master's studies and the introduction of new qualifications in RNCIS.
Analysis of the curricula corresponding to the bachelor's and master's studies.
Supporting faculty research and joint development of research projects
Organizing by industry partners of seminars and information sessions for students to develop their interest in energy engineering careers
A traditional event organized annually since 2014 in partnership with the Romanian Society of Energy Engineers (SIER), Bucharest Youth branch, is addressed mainly to young engineers and students in the energy field and aims to provide information about programs internships, internships, jobs and professional development programs for young people in partner companies.

Discussions on career opportunities and career planning, an event organized by Crystal System as part of free courses organized for students.

Is a large annual event organized by University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest since 2016, which is attended by all stakeholders in the educational process of our university: high school students, students, parents, teachers, large, small and medium enterprises, central and local authorities, representatives of the diplomatic corps accredited in our country.
The event is dedicated both to the collaboration between the academic and socio-economic environment, as well as the largest fair to present the educational offer of the university. Thus, during Polifest, through the meetings organized by the faculty with the employers, the connection between our students and the socio-economic environment is facilitated, to integrate them as well as possible on the labor market.
Among the economic partners participating in these meetings, we can mention: ABB, Electrica, Rompetrol, Enel, Adrem, Nuclearelectrica, EoN, Schneider Electric, Romelectro, Vinci, Tiab, Veolia, Engie, Hidroelectrica, Honeywell, Siemens and others.
Throughout the events, the Faculty of Energy Engineering participates with its own boot at OPEN DOORS DAY, which involves both visits to laboratories or amphitheaters for a better knowledge of the study offer and career prospects, as well as the possibility for high school students willing to take part in some courses for a day in the STUDENT FOR A DAY section.

Internships and traineeships for students, elaboration of diploma and dissertation thesis, lectures of the representatives of the economic environment within the bachelor's and master's degree programs
The partnerships of the Faculty of Energy Engineering with a lot of companies are materialized through internships, traineeships, the elaboration of diploma and dissertation thesis with topics required by the needs of the economic environment. At the same time, they are the main employers of our graduates.

Development of faculty laboratories
Electrical Parts of Power Stations and Substations “Constantin DINCULESCU” - Sponsorizări ABB și SIEMENS
SCADA - Sponsorizare Transelectrica, Siemens Energy Romania, Siemens Romania, Eneroptim
Optimizations and Electricity Market - Sponsorizare Crystal System
Hydraulic Machinery - Sponsorizări RAJA Constanța SA, SC WILO Romania SA, SC Multigama Service SRL și SC Valrom Industrie SRL
Crystal Industry 4.0 - Sponsorizare Crystal System – laborator destinat utilizării comune de către facultățile interesate din UPB
HONEYWELL Training Center for Renewable Energy Sources – HTS-RES - HONEYWELL
Private scholarships for students
In recent years, the following companies have awarded scholarships that have benefited approximately 20 students annually: NUCLEARELECTRICA, OMV-PETROM, SPEEH, HIDROELECTRICA, TRANSELECTRICA and URSUS BREWERIES (Student for the community). Thenumber, the budget of private scholarships and the period of their granting are regulated by the specific rules and conditions of each economic agent.
Free training courses for students
Through the partnership with Crystal System, IT training courses were organized within the Faculty of Energy Engineering:
- IT FOR NON-IT, 2019-2020;
- Building Information Modelling: Introduction and Practice, 2019-2020;
- Data Scientist Crystal Program, 2020
- IT for ALL, 2022
In this way, in addition to their academic achievements, the students of the Faculty of Energy Engineering have acquired the latest digital knowledge and skills with the support of the Crystal System, being prepared to enter the digital labor market with confidence.
And that's not all. Crystal always rewards the best students in its classes. Thus, prizes such as Microsoft Surface, Samsung Galaxy Tablets, Samsung Galaxy Smartwatch or bicycles were awarded.

It was organized the course SMART BUILDING (Cladire Inteligenta) bazat pe o arhitectura IoT – december 2020
The course covered a variety of topics of real interest, from communication protocols to energy efficiency and the impact of automation on the payback time of an investment in SMART solutions. The KNX protocol - advantages & technical characteristics - was also analyzed, analyzing the solutions of the various manufacturers in the field of integrated electrical systems.