Laboratory HONEYWELL Training Center for Renewable Energy Sources – HTS-RES
The HTS-RES laboratory is aimed at master's students, doctoral students and those who want a competitive professional training in the field of energy, which responds to the new challenges in the economy.
The HTS-RES laboratory has a modern didactic infrastructure that ensures the quality of the didactic process through "Learning by doing" practical works.
For the wind energy conversion training system, the laboratory has a stand where the wind energy conversion part (i.e. the wind turbine) is simulated by an asynchronous variable speed electric motor connected to an electric generator. The stand includes all the electrical equipment needed to simulate the operation of the wind turbine assembly to the requirements of different types of on-grid and off-grid consumers.
The training system on the conversion of solar energy to electricity is a computerized system, too, for simulating solar energy through the presence of a set of incandescent lamps capable of simulating different intensities of radiation. The radiation produced is captured by means of a system of photovoltaic panels that transform solar energy into electricity. The electricity produced is transmitted to different consumers on/off grid.
Also, in the case of this stand, all the electrical equipment used in the conversion of energy from renewable energy sources is present. The stand also includes a pyranometer for measuring solar radiation, with the possibility of digital data recording.
The training system is interactive. Different operating or operating situations can be created on the training stands. The work scenarios can be ordered manually or digitally.
The specific work parameters are monitored through the SCADA interface, which allows a direct interaction with the operating situations of the energy system regarding the storage of energy in batteries and the reuse of stored energy, safety in operation, protection of equipment, energy efficiency, transmission and distribution of electricity, mode on/off grid operation.

Sala EG 110
Prof. dr. ing. Radu PORUMB; Prof. dr. ing. Carmen-Anca SAFTA