Energy Generation and Use
Departament of Energy Generation and Use (DPUE) was established under the name of the Chair of Power Plants and Electrical Networks, at the same time of the establisment of the Faculty of Energy Engineering in 1950. In 1963 it was splitted in two chairs. One of them, the Chair of Power Plants, leaded by Professor Constantin Dinculescu, became the present DPUE.
All DPUE research activities aim at accelerating the transition from a fossil fuel-based sector to a low-emission sustainable energy-based sector. DPUE consists of collectives / laboratories that cover from an educational and research point of view the following fields: generation of energy from renewable energy sources, thermal power plants on coal or natural gas, optimization of systems, capture, transport, use and storage of carbon, biofuels, soil decontamination, biomass conversion in energy.
The main goal of the DPUE is to provide students with a high quality applications-oriented undergraduate education based on state-of-the-art technological equipment associated with fossil fuels fired power plant processes, renewable energy sources, district heating, energy utilization, digitalization of the energy sector, and the environmental global impact of all energy sources.
DPUE is responsible for organizing the following programs of study within the Faculty of Energy Engineering:
- Energy Management, bachelor's degree;
- Energy and Nuclear Technologies, bachelor's degree
- Thermal Power Engineering, bachelor's degree;
- Renewable Energy Sources, master's degree;
- Energy Services, master's degree;
- Nuclear Engineering, master's degree;
- Energy Efficiency, master's degree;
- Energy Engineering, master's degree in collaboration with Faculty of Engineering in Foreign Language
DPUE supports through its specialists the development of teaching activities in the other bachelor's and master's programs of the Faculty of Energy Engineering, but also of the Faculty of Entrepreneurship, Engineering and Business Management.
DPUE participates in major European and international research projects, completed by high-tech laboratories, facilities and equipment, outstanding scientific papers and patents, recognized by the national and international scientific and technical community.

Department director
Assoc.Prof.PhD.Eng Victor-Eduard CENUȘĂ
Department director
Assoc.Prof.PhD.Eng Victor-Eduard CENUȘĂ