Mobilități Internaționale
Starting with 2020, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest has the privilege of being a partner of the alliance of European Universities EELISA - "European Engineering Learning Innovation and Science Alliance".
EELISA is the first alliance of Higher Education Institutions from different countries in Europe meant to define and implement a common model of European engineer that responds to social challenges and combines smart technologies with sustainable development needs for high-skilled positions in a pan-European environment.
Students have various opportunities offered by the alliance:
• EELISA degree is based on multisite delivered - curricula that will be offered at universities based in different cities; the students will have the chance to configure their degree programme passing through multiple institutions;
• EELISA Credential acknowledges students’ engagement within a EELISA community and his/her contribution to social-challenge solving process.
• EELISA supplement is granted to any student who, in addition to EELISA degree and to EELISA credentials, have earned at least 6 ECTS credits, in a smooth or cummulative manner, through any kind of mobility, - long or short, physical, digital, hybrid, with other partners in the alliance.
Students, teachers and researchers can also be involved in EELISA communities. These are working groups involving students, researchers, teachers, staff and external stakeholders dedicated to finding innovative solutions to society's most important challenges: climate change, digitalisation, architecture, aeronautics and more.
For more information please visit:

Prof.PhD.Eng Lăcrămioara Diana ROBESCU
Prof.PhD.Eng Lăcrămioara Diana ROBESCU