Applied Informatics in Power Engineering - MS 11
[Master ]
What does it mean?
This program wll specialize you in digitalization/informatization of the processes specific to energy generation, transmission, distribution, and use, modeling and simulation of the processes associated with the power and energy equipment and systems, as well as supervised operation of the power and energy systems.
What will you learn about?
- Automation and informatization of power and energy processes;
- SCADA systems in operation of power and energy systems;
- Modeling and simulation of power electronic based power system installations;
- Modeling and simulation of dynamic processes in power systems;
- Dynamic simulation of thermo-hydraulic processes;
- Mathematic programming applied in optimization of power and energy systems;
- Hierarchical operation of power systems;
- Sustentations maintenance;
- Dispersed generation and its impact on the electrical networks;
- Electromagnetic compatibility of automation installations;
- Power quality monitoring and control;
- Application of artificial intelligence techniques in power systems.
What will you become?
- Engineer in optimization of power and energy installations and processes
- Design energy engineer
- Engineer in informatic technologies for power and energy systems
- Research engineer in power systems
- Engineer in management and control of energy utilities systems
... and the list expands.
Who will hire you?
- Power and Energy Services Supplies
- Manufacturers of power equipment
- Consultancy companies in the field of power engineering
- Developers of software and automation companies
- Telecom companies
Examples: Siemens, General Electric, Hitachi ABB, EFACEC, Transelectrica, Teletrans, ASSYSTEM, Tractebel Engineering, Ernst & Young, KPMG, ENEL, ENGIE, E.ON, Delgaz Grid, Electrica, Enevo Group, Energobit, Eximprod, Hidroelectrica, VEOLIA, Monsson ...
....and the list continues.