Environmental Management and Sustainable Development - MB 1
[Master ]
What does it mean?
The great challenges facing humanity, identified by the objectives of sustainable development, require the interdisciplinary training of specialists with in-depth knowledge of environmental and sustainability issues, who can find solutions to these challenges and promote and apply the principles of sustainable development in management and in formulating companies' environmental strategies and policies. Within the MB1 master's program, you will specialize in environmental monitoring and control; methods of environmental impact assessment; solid waste treatment; the impact of distributed generation on the environment and biomass to energy solutions; modeling and simulation of energy and environmental processes; advanced technologies for removing pollutants from air, water and soil.
What will you learn about?
- Advanced technologies for air, wastewater and soil treatment;
- Monitoring and digitalization in environmental protection;
- Solid waste treatment;
- Sustainable systems for drinking water treatment;
- Water resources rehabilitation;
- Environmental systems management;
- Methods for environmental impact asessment;
- Biomass to energy;
- Health risk in energy industry;
- Impact on the environemnet of distributed energy;
- Sustainable development and sustainability.
What will you become?
- Researcher in ecology and environmental protection;
- Research assistant in ecology and environmental protection;
- Research Engineer in sanitary engineering and environmental protection;
- Specialist in management and remediation of contaminated sites;
- Ecological expert;
- Specialist in environmental protection;
- Environmental protection responsible;
- Environmental protection inspector;
- Environmental consultant;
- Environmental sustainability expert;
... and the list expands.
Who will hire you?
- Research, Development and Innovation Institutes;
- Higher education institutes;
- Consulting companies in the field of environmental engineering;
- Companies involved in the design of environmental engineering equipment and installations;
- Companies producing environmental protection equipment;
- Water Companies and Water Administrations;
- Environmental Protection Agencies;
- National Environmental Guard;
- Ministries and administrative structures (town/city halls, prefectures, county councils);
- Public and private institutions;
- ONGs;
- International organization involved in environmental protection and sustainable development;
....and the list continues.