Laboratory UPB Passive House
The passive house laboratory is a two-level townhouse duplex for residential use. The building is located in the campus of University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, on a flat surface slightly shaded with NS orientation. The eastern house laboratory has an HVAC system composed of an air-to-air heat recovery system and an earth-to-air heat exchanger.
The laboratory is equipped with a solar thermal panel and an off-grid solution composed of 13 photovoltaic panels, which have an installed power of 2.9 kW, a 48/ 3000/ 35-50/ 50 120V inverter, 4 gel batteries with 12V/200A and a controller. Additionally, the eastern passive house laboratory is equipped with a monitoring system composed of 25 wired and wireless sensors which monitor environmental, energy, air quality and comfort parameters.
The processing units of the monitoring system is composed of a Wago PFC 200/ 82120-100 controller, an HP ProLiant Gen V8 server. The PFC 200 controller has 4 RTD modules, a 4-20mA, 0-10V, 0-5V input module, an RS232, RS485 module, a 4-20mA, 0-10V, 0-5V output module and an M-bus module.
In addition to understanding how a monitoring system works and exploring the functionality of each component, the students will use ML algorithms to process data and gain new knowledge.

UPB campus
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