Laboratory SCADA Systems for Energy Engineering and Environmental Protection
The Laboratory SCADA Systems for Power Engineering and Environmental Protection hosts academic and research activities related to the courses in the fields of Energy engineering and Environmental engineering: SCADA Systems; Use of GIS in Energy Engineering; Environmental Monitoring and Computerization; GIS and SCADA Applications in Smart Cities; Databases and Big Data.
Activities performed in this laboratory are divided on 3 directions:
i) SCADA Systems: Data acquisition systems; Using the LabVIEW graphical programming environment; SCADA applications specific to the fields of Energy Engineering and Environmental Protection;
ii) Geographic Information Systems: Introduction to ArcGIS Desktop and QGIS - the basic functions of programs and the fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems (GIS); GIS output formats; Creating interactive maps; Creating printable maps; Use of geographically referenced databases; Import of spatial and attribute data; Digitization; Creating environmental engineering applications;
iii) Databases: Getting started with Visual FoxPro, Oracle and MySQL database management system interface; SQL language: description, syntax, common functions; Database structure; Creating reports and forms; Creating application-specific queries and menus; Creating environmental engineering applications.
The Laboratory SCADA Systems for Power Engineering and Environmental Protection is equipped with 12 computers for student use with the necessary software for teaching activities, an Adcon A730 meteorological monitoring station and a Monitoring microstation.

ELa 219