Laboratory Multiphase Fluid Dynamics. Water and Wastewater Treatment
The laboratory is oriented for teaching and research in two modern areas: the dynamics of multiphase fluids and drinking water and wastewater treatment.
Multiphase fluid flows (gas-liquid, solid-gas, solid-liquid and solid-liquid-gas) are common in nature and in many areas. Their applications are found in energy production, oil industry, solar energy capture installations, air conditioning and refrigeration installations, nuclear reactors, drinking water production, wastewater treatment, environmental engineering, medicine, various industries, etc. Rain, fog, snow, landslides, pollutant dispersion, blood flow, viral aerosol dispersion, spraying, boiling, condensation, combustion installations, fluidized beds, biofuel production, pneumatic tube transport, oil extraction and transportation facilities are some examples of applications of multiphase fluid dynamics.
The Multiphase Fluid Dynamics. Water and Wastewater Treatment Laboratory is equipped with experimental installations for the study of gas-solid multiphase fluid flows (flow regimes, horizontal/vertical fluidization installations, pneumatic tube transport) and liquid-gas (flow regimes, gas-lift installation, determination of terminal velocity, separation by Coanda effect, dispersion of a pollutant in water), as well as software for Python programming language and FlexPDE simulation.
Water and Wastewater Treatment: Water from rivers, lakes and wells can contain various pollutants that must be removed through treatment processes to be safe to drink or use. Water that is not treated properly can lead to serious illness. The water we use at home - in sinks, showers, bathtubs, toilets, washing machines and dishes - or in various industries, becomes wastewater. It contains human waste, food waste, oils, soaps, and chemicals. Wastewater treatment technology is a very complex sequence of unitary operations and processes, each of which is designed to eliminate a particular pollutant.
The Multiphase Fluid Dynamics. Water and Wastewater Treatment Laboratory is equipped with experimental installations for the study of water and wastewater treatment processes: ultrafiltration, sedimentation, pneumatic aeration and various mechanical equipment aeration, mixing with impeller with adjustable vanes, grease removal with mechanical equipment, hydrocyclone separation, dual biological treatment as well as software for simulating of treatment processes - STOAT and BioWin.

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