Laboratory Measurement of Non-electrical Quantities
The Laboratory for the Measurement of Non-electrical Parameters (MMNE) is a didactic facility used to study measurement methods of non-electrical quantities: temperatures, pressures, flows, atmospheric humidity. The laboratory is a didactic facility employed within the course with the same name, from the curricula of the 3rd year of the Bachelor/License cycle from Faculty of Energy Engineering.
The laboratory includes experimental setups for the measurement of temperatures and atmospheric humidity, the measurement of pressures and the calibration of pressure transducers, flow measurement, local and linear pressure losses measurements in pipes. The setups are equipped with local measurement and control devices. For devices that use electrical quantities in measuring, the setups allow data acquisition, storage, visualization and processing. The laboratory works focus on the way in which the measurements are taken and used for determining other values of interest (linear and local losses of pressure in pipes). Also, they are used for verifying and determining the performance specifications (precision, accuracy, time response) of measuring devices.
The research activity is focused on the augmented reality, to be used in teaching activities, such as software adjustment in hybrid pressure transducers, software temperature estimation in thermometers with high response time. Future research focus on smart metering systems.

room EH 105b
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