Laboratory „Dumitru DUMITRESCU” - Fluid Mechanics
The Laboratory "Dumitru DUMITRESCU" - Fluid Mechanics is mainly intended for the introduction of students (of 2nd and 3rd years of study, BSc level) in Fluid Mechanics field. The balance (statics) and motion (dynamics) of fluids are studied, as well as the interactions between them and the solid surfaces with which they come into contact. In this laboratory, students from the faculties of Energy Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics, Transports, Biotechnical Systems Engineering, Medical Engineering, Engineering in Foreign Languages, and Industrial Engineering and Robotics, are studying for one or two semesters. The courses in which activities are carried out in the laboratory are: “Fluid Mechanics”; “Hydraulic Machinery”; “Boundary Layer, Turbulence and Heat Transfer”. Research activity is also performed by PhD students and MSc students.
The Laboratory "Dumitru DUMITRESCU" - Fluid Mechanics is equipped with specific facilities: test rigs for measuring the density and viscosity of liquids; test rigs for measuring the pressure and pressure difference; test rig for visualizing the flow of liquids and measuring the flow rate; test rig for the study of the water hammer and of the oscillations of the moving water masses; closed circuit installation for visualizing the flow of liquids around hydrodynamic bodies; two centrifugal fans (one variable speed driven), with specific measuring equipment.
The activities in this laboratory are carried out in tandem with those from the Laboratory „Dionisie GHERMANI” - Applied Fluid Mechanics (in the adjacent room, ELa 115b).

ELa 115a
Virtual tour