Laboratory „Dionisie GHERMANI” - Applied Fluid Mechanics
Fluid Mechanics is a part of Physics that studies fluids in static and dynamic states. The field of study covers various problems, such as: fluid properties, hydrostatics, the pressurized flows or free surface flows, the interaction of fluids with solid surfaces. It is important to understand the principles and characteristics of fluid flow from an engineering point of view.
The Laboratory "Dionisie GHERMANI" - Applied Fluid Mechanics is attached to the courses of “Fluid Mechanics” and “Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machinery” (from the 2nd and 3rd years of study, BSc level). Practical work that can be carried out refers to: hydrostatic pressure (multi-fluid manometer, differential manometer); action of fluids on flat and curved surfaces; viscosity and density of fluids; flow through orifices and nozzles (measurement of flow through the diaphragm; minor energy losses); fluid flow in pressurized pipes (head losses and minor losses).
Research activity is also performed by PhD students and MSc students.
The Laboratory "Dionisie GHERMANI" - Applied Fluid Mechanics is equipped with test rigs for: hydrostatics (pressure and pressure difference measurement; Archimedes' principle); viscosity and density measurement; flow measurement; hydraulic energy losses (head losses and minor losses); impulse-momentum theorem; studying the fans operation.
The educational activities in this laboratory are carried out in tandem with those from the Laboratory „Dumitru DUMITRESCU” - Fluid Mechanics (in the adjacent room, ELa 115a).

ELa 115 b
Virtual tour