Laboratory Combined Heat and Power Generation (CHP UPB)
The Power and Heat Generation Laboratory from University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest (PEET - UPB) consists of industrial type equipment and installations employed for teaching, research and local energy generation purposes.
The Laboratory Thermal Power Plant, initially commissioned in 1975, was fully replaced in 2008 within an energy efficiency program implemented by University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, and operates in cogeneration beginning with 2010, delivering electrical and thermal energy, converting the university energy demand.
The facility includes a Combined Heat & Power plant (CHP), especially designed and arranged to serve as laboratory and energy production facility. It includes two Jenbacher internal combustion engines of 800 kWe power capacity each, three hot water boilers Hoval of 6800 kWth each, a pumping station, and a water treatment unit.
The natural gas circuitry, together with all the monitoring and measuring equipment, is used for supplying natural gas to the 2 internal combustion engines and the 3 hot water boilers.
The laboratory is equipped with all the installations characteristic to a modern power plant, including: command room, boilers room, and engine room.

CET laborator UPB
Virtual tour