Vice Dean

Assoc.Prof.PhD.Eng Constantin IONESCU

Responsabil cu managementul calității, managementul administrativ și comunicare

Elaborarea documentelor și rapoartelor AQ, inițierea, monitorizarea și evaluarea periodică a programelor de studii, evaluarea cadrelor didactice, concursuri posturi didactice, protecția muncii, baza materială, pagina web și transformare digitală, materiale promoționale facultate
Constantin IONESCU


Assoc. Professor PhD Constatin IONESCU graduated from University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Faculty of Power Engineering, specialization Industrial Energetics, in 2002.

In 2008 he obtained the title of Doctor on Energetics from the National Institute of Applied Science (INSA) of Lyon and from University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest with the thesis " Experimental and theoretical study of the flow and heat transfer of a two-phase secondary refrigerant along a rectangular channel of plate heat exchanger type”. In 2013 he graduated postdoctoral studies in the field of Energy Engineering, at the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, with the work "Hybrid systems for renewable energy use in low energy buildings".

He started his academic and research activity in 2002, within the Faculty of Power Engineering from UPB, in the Department of Energy Generation and Use. Its areas of expertise are: heat and mass transfer, thermal equipment and installations, thermoenergetic equipment, energy efficiency in buildings, renewable energy sources, dynamic simulation of thermal processes. The experience gained in teaching and research activity is materialized in over 45 scientific papers, chapters in 6 books and participation in 20 national and international research and educational projects.

He is the head of the didactic laboratory of Thermal Equipment and Installations, as well as for the research laboratory of Geothermal Sources and Technologies within the CAPMUS Research Institute. He is also co-head of the Energy Efficiency Laboratory at CAMPUS.

Since 2012 he is vice-dean of Faculty of Power Energy and since 2016 he is responsible for the master's program Renewable Energy Sources.